
Tuesday, 23 July 2013

A most unexpected Craft Union

A craft union of Beer, Bread, Bakewell and a Treacle Tart

Most people who know me know I am really partial to a pint or two of real ale, Thornbridge Jaipur is far my favourite tipple. I have sank many a pint after a peak district walk in the Devonshire Arms at Beeley. So when I was asked by the organisers of the recent Bakewell Baking Festival if I would do a demo showcasing a Cake or Dessert from Derbyshires Thornbridge Brewery Craft Union Cookbook, I jumped at the chance.

I popped over to Bakewell and had a meeting with Alex the Marketing manager we decided on Treacle Tart using the rich, dark Wild Raven. Never missing an opportunity I also suggested we make some beer bread from one of the ales available on the Festival Weekend to have on the stand at both the demo and the festival.

I came away with a box of Wild Raven IPA and the fabulous hoppy Chiron Ale

The Thornbridge Craft Union Cookbook is based wholly on pairing craft ale with food. Most of us are aware of the red & white wine food pairings but not so much about beer pairing. This book brings it all together, giving you simple guidelines to help you along.
So having read the book from cover to cover, read and noted down some really great recipes I also noticed there were some recipes that had been included by some of our most renowned beer critics and journalists, one in particular Marverine Cole aka Beer Beauty,  @beerbeauty whose adventures I follow on Twitter.
Having chosen Treacle Tart with Alex I then decided on the bread, for me it needed to be a Focaccia. I wanted a real depth of flavour so set about a 24hour focaccia marathon.
It’s a simple recipe. This is scaled down as I made 4 x the mix.

500g Strong white bread flour
400g Thornbridge Chiron Ale
5g Dried Active Yeast
10g Salt

Starting the mix at about lunchtime:

-Mix together the yeast with a little flour and a drop of water and leave to get going (20 mins or so)

-In a large bowl mix together the Flour and Salt

-When the yeast looks like its lively add to the flour mix it in then add the ale. Using a wooden spoon or your hands really beat the mix together it will be a real slack sticky mess. Really get some air in it.

-Pour a bit of olive oil around the bottom of the bowl lifting the dough up slightly with a dough scraper so the oil gets underneath the dough. Cover with a slightly smaller bowl, cling-film or a shower cap and put it somewhere cool until the next morning.

-After all that time your dough will have started to bubble a little like the picture below.
- Start an hourly folding regime for times, using your hands fold the dough making sure that the dough is stretched as you fold, repeat this four times. Your dough will be pillowy and bubbly.
-After the fourth fold leave it to rest for 30 mins then turn it out onto an oiled and ideally parchment lined tray.
-Using your fingers press the dough flat making indents along the way, leave it to come up again for 30 mins, drizzle with olive oil, a little garlic salt & sea salt then bake for around 30 mins in a pre-heated 200oC oven, until golden.
If you ever get the chance to visit Bakewell, remember to pop into the  Thornbridge Brewery Shop and purchase some of the fabulous beers they produce, you could also buy a copy of the craft union book.
I know most of you will not want to make bread out of beer (sacrilege my husband cries) but if you are an avid bread-maker put it on your list of breads to make, but always use a good ale.

I've added a few snaps from the day - me doing the demo and also on the Thornbridge stand with the delightful MD of Thornbridge, Jim Harrison and Bob the bar-man.


 I have taken no payment for this blog- all photographs, comments and words are my own.


Thursday, 18 July 2013

Double Chocolate & Raspberry Cheesecake

At the weekend I catered for around 25 people for my daughters birthday party, as with everything I make, all was homemade including all the desserts. A comment from my youngest niece " this is the best cheesecake dessert I have ever tasted" really prompted me to blog this recipe.
As a rule I really don't have much of a sweet tooth, but I adore fresh raspberries, so when the opportunity came along to make something as light and completely delicious as this, I felt the need to share it. You can use any seasonal soft fruit for this recipe. Its a hybrid recipe from notes I have made over the years for the % needed to make enough to serve 12 people.
Its a non baked recipe that needs an overnight set. It freezes really well, I made and froze it during the week, defrosted and decorated it on the Sunday.

You will need a 20cm spring-form pan or if you are making it to freeze a silicone cake pan.
Serves 12 ( or 6 if you can eat a big portion)

For the base
200g Biscuit crumbs (I used hob nobs)
75g Butter

For the Cheese Topping
300g Good Quality White Chocolate
300ml Double Cream
500g Full Fat Cream Cheese (I used Philly)
200g Fresh Raspberries

For the Decoration
50g Dark Chocolate
200g Fresh Raspberries
Edible Gold Sprinkles (optional)

1. Whizz up your biscuits in a food processor or put in a bag and bash with a rolling pin until you get fine crumbs.
2. . In a pan melt the butter from the base ingredients, add the fine crumbs, mix together.
3. Butter the sides and bottom of the chosen pan you are using, using your fingers and a wooden spoon, gently but firmly press the biscuit base into the bottom of the pan. Pop in the fridge to set.
4. Meanwhile in melt the white chocolate in a bowl over a pan of simmering water, when its melted remove from the heat.
5. Place the cream cheese in a bowl and give it a light whisk with a hand held mixer.
6. In another bowl whisk up the double cream until light & fluffy.
7. Using a spatula, add the melted chocolate and mix well into the cream cheese, using a hand held mixer give it a good whisk up.
8. Add the whisked up cream to the cheese & chocolate, whisk well together.
9. Gently fold in the raspberries.
10. Pour and smooth the cheese cake mix onto chilled base- (at this stage you can cover & freeze it). or cover and return the pan to the fridge overnight if possible.

To decorate:
1. Remove the pan from the fridge ( if frozen, remove from the pan, defrost safely in the fridge).
2. Remove the cheesecake from the pan
3. Melt some dark chocolate in a bowl over a pan of simmering water.
4. Arrange your fresh raspberries on the top of the cheesecake, drizzle with some melted chocolate and sprinkle some edible gold glitter......... served chilled and enjoy..........